Blogging Vs. Content Writing: Is there a Difference?
Blogging Vs. Content Writing: Is there a Difference? |
so I want to ask you is writing a blog
post the same as content writing that's
a great question if you are a freelance
writer and you're wondering hmm I want
to be a freelance writer but I'm not
Quite sure if writing a blog post is the
same as content writing and are they the
same are they different what's all of
this about oh my goodness well I'm here
to help you my name is Sadi and I share freelance writing tips for brand-new freelance writers if you need some help make sure so that I can start producing more content just like this for you all right so I'm gonna
talk about the difference between a like
a blog post that you would see on a blog
versus a blog post that you would see on
a like a business page for example
they're both blog posts but one is
primarily blog writing and one is
primarily content writing so I'm gonna
walk you through the differences so I'm
gonna show you an example first of a
like a typical blog post that you would
see on on a site that you would like um
like a mommy site or like you know um
like a blog that you would you like
reading like something like pop sugar
for example I don't know just giving you
some ideas I don't I don't read a lot of
lifestyle blogs I don't go out and read
that because I'm I read more content
writing stuff but anyways I do own a
blog called imperfectly perfect mama and
I do get guest writers so other bloggers
other moms that have a blog and they
want to grow their audience so they
guest blog on my site and they provide
blog posts for me and you know I give an
outline of what I want but sometimes
I'll get a submission like this and I'm
okay with that I will publish it so as
you can see the title is new mommies new
worries and it's about I'd say maybe 600
700 words right there you go that's it
so you can see that this is just a
typical blog post the biggest things I'm
going to tell you are the what this is
and how that's different than content
writing so for example let's look at the
headline.the headline doesn't draw me in too much
it doesn't have a benefit it doesn't
tell me what I'm going to be learning in
this blog post so when you are writing
for clients this is the type of content
or title that you wouldn't normally have
it would be benefit driven basically
feature driven of what the expectations
are so you know ideally for a client
piece it's gonna be like you know how to
something something something 50 ways to
something something something right like
it has a exactly who the audience is and
then how you're gonna help them you can
quickly see on like something like
blogging wizard which I write for
blogging wizard oh that's funny blogging
Wizards not up right now did I spell it
wrong they did all right here it is for
blogging wizard you can quickly take a
look at the blog content on there and
just look at the type of headlines that
these these blog posts have so here's a
how-to how to choose a domain name for
your blog how to how to choose a web
host 23 factors to consider how to turn
audience pain points in to blog post
ideas so you can see there's a lot of
how-to and list posts 15 best Google
Adsense alternatives to make money from
your website alright so you can see that
there is some kind of benefit that I
want oh I want to make money okay I'm
gonna read this post about Google
Adsense alternatives it answers a
question maybe that I'm having a
that I'm having what is a
conversion rate optimization a quick
guide for beginners Wow
I was learning about conversion rate and
I want to know more about it here's a
blog post I will tell me about it
alright so you can see that from a
client's perspective they're gonna want
a writer that that has these types of
headlines and so over on my guest
posting blog I mean this doesn't have
that but that's okay right so another
that blogs usually have is um it's more
personal this is a story for of this
person who wrote it
Taron here this is her story okay about
new moms with new worries it's all about
her and how she gave birth and her story
about becoming a new mom
alright so blog posts are highly
personal you know and that's that's what
I do for twins mommy twins mommy does
have some personal blog post although I
am using it as a business so my
content is more content writing on twins
mommy I do have personal posts that I
share so for example if you just go to
on twins mom you go to the twins section
these are all very personal stories
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